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Microbial ecology, sewer processes, and sustainable water and wastewater management






  • ジュースに含まれる糖分は、私たちの口に入れば私たち自身のエネルギー源になります。しかし、下水に流してしまうと、わざわざエネルギーを投入して下水から除去しなければいけません。糖分の持っているエネルギーは、下水処理では有効には使われていないのです。

  • 作物を作るためには窒素やリンなどの肥料が用いられます。肥料成分は作物に吸収され、やがて、私たちの口に入ります。作物に含まれていた窒素やリンは無機化され、屎尿とともに排出され、下水に入ります。窒素やリンは、肥料として有効利用できれば良いのですが、海や湖に排出されると植物プランクトンに利用され、赤潮などの問題を引き起こします。

  • 下水道は、処理にかかる費用を節約するために、どうしても大規模化しがちです。ところが、大規模化は下水処理水や下水とともに処理場に集まる窒素やリンといった栄養塩の有効利用をしにくくする傾向があります。例えば海岸線にある下水処理場から農業による水需要のある内陸部に処理水を輸送するのは容易ではありません。




Hiroyasu Satoh


Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies

Hiroyasu Satoh


Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies





1989 :: Bachelor (Dept. Urban Eng, UT)

1991 :: Master (Dept. Urban Eng., UT)

1996 :: Doctor (Dept. Urban Eng., UT)


:: Microbial ecology

:: Sewerage

:: Wastewater management


Most of the research on sewerage  is about the treatment technology at the sewage treatment plant but, in our laboratory, we are studying the entire sewer system including the sewage pipes. Although the sewer system looks like a steady infrastructure, it faces difficulties such as a decline in business income and a deterioration of facilities due to the depopulation. Also, today's sewers may not have been optimized. It has been approximately 150 years since modern sewerage was born but looking at the avergae lifespan of the sewer pipe which is approximately 50 years, the sewer system is three generations young. In contrast to other technology being used today, what generation of smartphones do you use? Because the sewer has a long life, its change is slow and that is why there is still room for optimization.

Our laboratory is currently working on the development of technologies that will improve the quality of sewage as it flows through the sewer pipe. Normally, the sewer pipe was a device only for transporting sewage, but it has been found that it is possible to use it as a water purification device to some extent by devising it. By placing a sponge-like material (a microorganism carrier) as a microbe in the tube and by making the microorganism carrier contact sewage and air alternately as the flow rate of the sewage fluctuates, organic components in the sewage Promote the oxidative degradation of We utilize natural processes to enable water treatment with energy saving. If done well, the functions of the sewage treatment plant can be significantly simplified. Furthermore, if the sewage treatment plant can be constructed and operated inexpensively, it may be possible to distribute the sewage treatment plant and make it easier to reuse treated water and nutrients such as nitrogen phosphorus.

Would you like to study the mechanisms of society and the ability of microorganisms while learning about sewerage together?


© 2024 by Satoh & Kazama Lab

Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences

The University of Tokyo

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